Sunday, September 21, 2008

My 3rd biped

High, I have made three bipeds. My first robot was a horribly made but cool biped, the second was a robot that I got the instructions from a book called, Building Cool Mindstorms Robots, by Daniele Benedettelli, And the third is the best I have made so far. Here is a picture of the first:

Well, actually next to all the words, I still do not know how to make it the way I want it but its alright. Now the second doesn't have a picture but it is still rather amazing.

Now here is the third:

Hey, what do you know, I made it where I want it, but anyways, This is Klunks, A biped robot. He really waddles but it is a name for it because he is klunky. And here is a movie to go with it:

Hoped you liked them, bye.

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